Our Story
The Monyane and Sefako Matlala Foundation was registered as a Non-Profit Company in June 2018, and gained Non-Profit status in 2021. The Foundation is privately funded and not politically affiliated.
The Monyane and Sefako Matlala Foundation ( referred to as Baga-Matlala Foundation ) was established by Monyane and Sefako Matlala and their three children when Sefako was overwhelmed by a long illness that nearly took his life. During this difficult time, the family learnt the power of praying together, that God answers prayers and he grants second chances to those who believe in him – as Sefako later survived the ordeal.
This life lesson made the Matlala family realise the importance of touching the lives of those less fortunate and increased the family’s resolve to upholding the qualities of benevolence.
“Tau tša hloka seboka dišitwa ke nare e hlotša”